Material oficial de la Blackhat Europe 2012 disponible

Ya está disponible el material de la recién acabada BlackHat 2012 Europa. Parece que faltan algunas charlas. Si las ponen actualizaremos esta entrada.
- Axelle Apvrille - Guillaume LovetAn Attacker's Day into Virology: Human vs Computer
- Antonios Atlasis - Attacking IPv6 Implementation Using Fragmentation
- Michael BakerFinding Needles in Haystacks (The Size of Countries)
- Andrey Belenko - Dmitry Sklyarov"Secure Password Managers" and "Military-Grade Encryption" on Smartphones: Oh Really?
- Andy DavisHDMI - Hacking Displays Made Interesting
- Stephen de Vries - Beyond Scanning: Automating Web Application Security Tests
- Tyrone Erasmus - The Heavy Metal That Poisoned the Droid
- Takahiro Haruyama - Hiroshi SuzukiOne-byte Modification for Breaking Memory Forensic Analysis
- Marcia Hofmann - Seth SchoenDefending Privacy at the U.S. Border: A Guide for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices
- Jeff Jarmoc - SSL/TLS Interception Proxies and Transitive Trust
- Ling Chuan Lee - Chan Lee YeeGDI Font Fuzzing in Windows Kernel For Fun
- Steve Lord - Drop It Like It's Hotspot: Hacking Mifi Routers For Nefarious Purposes
- Rafal Los - Shane MacDougallOffensive Threat Modeling for Attackers: Turning Threat Modeling on its Head
- Matias Madou - Secure in 2010? Broken in 2011!
- Mariano Nunez Di Croce - Cyber-Attacks & SAP systems: Is Our Business-Critical Infrastructure Exposed?
- Phil Polstra - Preventing "Oh Shit!" Moments for 20 Euros or Less
- Jerome Radcliffe - Issues with Embedded Device Disclosures: Helping the Vendors and Recognizing the End-Users
- Enno Rey - Daniel MendeAll Your Calls Are Still Belong to Us: How We Compromised the Cisco VoIP Crypto Ecosystem
- Simon Roses Femerling - Smartphone's Apps Are Not That Smart: Insecure Development Practices
- Paul Royal - Entrapment: Tricking Malware with Transparent, Scalable Malware Analysis
- Rahul Sasi - IVR Security- Internal Network Attack via Phone Lines
- Justin Searle - Dissecting Smart Meters
- Slides
- Shreeraj Shah - HTML5 Top 10 Threats: Stealth Attacks and Silent Exploits
- Sumit Siddharth - Tom ForbesHacking XPATH 2.0
- Alexey Sintsov - Lotus Domino: Penetration Through the Controller
- Didier Stevens - Malicious PDF Analysis
- Ben Williams - They Ought to Know Better: Exploiting Security Gateways via Their Web Interfaces
- Chris Wysopal - Data Mining a Mountain of Zero Day Vulnerabilities
- Justin Searle - Workshop: SamuraiWTF
Entradas Recientes
- Posts
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- Creando certificados X.509 caducados
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