Presentaciones CanSecWest Vancouver 2015

Ya están disponible para descarga las presentaciones de CanSecWest Vancouver 2015. La lista es la siguiente:
- Project Zero: Making 0days Hard - Ben Hawkes, Chris Evans Google
- Taming wild copies: from hopeless crash to working exploit - Chris Evans @scarybeasts of Google's Project Zero
- I see therefore I am.... You - Jan "starbug" Krissler, T-Labs/CCC
- Smart COM fuzzing tool - Explore More Sandbox Bypassing Surface in COM objects - Xiaoning Li & Haifei Li, Intel
- A new class of vulnerability in SMI Handlers of BIOS/UEFI Firmware - John Loucaides & Andrew Furtak, Intel
- Sexrets in LoadLibrary - Yang Yu @tombkeeper, Tencent
- Attacking WebKit Applications by exploiting memory corruption bugs - Liang Chen of KeenTeam
- Userland Exploits of Pangu 8 - Team Pangu @PanguTeam
- Attacks on UEFI Security - Rafal Wojtczuk & Corey Kallenberg
- FreeSentry: Protecting against use-after-free vulnerabilities due to dangling pointers - Yves Younan, Cisco (Sourcefire/VRT)
- DLL Hijacking' on OS X? #@%& Yeah! - Patrick Wardle @patrickwardle, Synack
- Memminer: Real-Time Passive Volatile Memory Inspection Inside Virtual Machines - John Williams, EY
- NDIS Packet of Death: Turning Windows' Complexity Against Itself - Nitay Artenstein, Checkpoint
- How many million BIOSes would you like to infect? - Corey Kallenberg & Xeno Kovah, LegbaCore
- UEFI, Open Platforms and the Defender's Dillema - Vincent Zimmer, Intel
- Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Your Next APT is Alread Whitelisted - Fabio Assolini and Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade
- There's Something About WMI - Christopher Glyer and Devon Kerr, Mandiant
- Credential Assessment: Mapping Privilege Escalation at Scale - Matthew Weeks, root9b
- From baseband to bitstream and back again: What security researchers really want to do with SDR - Andy Davis, NCC Group
- Bootkit via SMS: 4G access level security assessment - Kirill Nesterov and Timur Yunusov
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