HITBSecConf2010 - Dubai. Material disponible para descarga

Desde este enlace podéis acceder al contenido de las presentaciones de la HITB2010SecConf que se celebró en Dubai del pasado 19 al 22 de Abril.

Esta es la lista de las charlas que podréis encontrar:

KEYNOTE 1 - John Viega - A/V Vendors Aren’t As Dumb As They Look D1 - Daniel Mende - Attacking Cisco WLAN Solutions D1 - Laurent Oudot - Improving the Stealthiness of Web Hacking D1 - Dimitri Petropoulos - Attacking ATMs and HSMs ** D1 - Dino Covotsos - Analysis of a Next Generation Botnet D1 - The Grugq - Crime, Kung Fu and Rice ##

KEYNOTE 2 - Sourcefire - Near Real Time Detection D2 - Mariano Di Croce - SAP Penetration Testing with Bizsploit D2 - Fred Raynal + Sogeti - Gathering and Exploiting Information D2 - Marc Schoenefeld - Examining Android Code with undx2 D2 - Saumil Shah - Web Security - Going Nowhere? D2 - Gynvael Coldwind - A Case Study of Recent Windows Vulnerabilities