Interesante listado de enlaces sobre Python

Esta colección de enlaces te puede venir bien si estás desarrollando o aprendiendo el lenguaje Python. Desde una guía a la programación en red con Python, videos y hasta un intérprete de Lisp:
“Must read”:
- The Python yield keyword explained
- Python’s super() considered super!
- Understanding Python Decorators
- What is a metaclass in Python?
- Metaclasses Demystified
- Try/Catch for validation or speed?
- Python (and Python C API): __new__ versus __init__
- Python “self” keyword
- Python and the Principle of Least Astonishment
- A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency
- Generator Tricks for Systems Programmers
- Code like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python (2007)
- The entire Python Module of the week archive
- Also see the book — “Python Standard Library by Example”
- (By me) Python Threads and the global interpreter lock
- (By me) Get with the program as context manager
- How to write a Lisp interpreter in Python
- Unicode in Python, Completely Demystified
- Unicode for Dummies — Just use UTF-8
- Debugging in Python
- How to handle multiple inheritance of ABCs that implement each others abstract methods
- AOSA: Python Packaging
- 10 Reasons Python Rocks for Research (And a Few Reasons it Doesn’t)
- Beej’s Guide to Network Programming
- How to use Linux epoll with Python
- Python beginner’s Mistakes
- Command Line syntax: Some basic Concepts
- Be careful with exec and eval in Python
- Decorators make magic easy
- The detailed guide to “Timsort” (which Java adopted, FWIW)
- Notes on optimizing dictionaries
- How-to guide for Python Descriptors
- Python is Not Java(2004)
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Dive into Python 3
- A Byte of Python
- Porting to Python 3: An in-depth Guide
- Python Miro Community
- This contains hundreds of videos from Python conferences all over the world including past PyCons.
- Intermediate and Advanced Software Carpentry in Python (2007)
- Google’s Python class
- Introduction to Algorithms (with Python)
- Python’s Innards: Introduction
- Python’s Innards: Objects 101
- Python’s Innards: Objects 102 (And the correction)
- Python’s Innards: Pystate
- Python’s Innards: Naming
- Python’s Innards: Code Objects
- Python’s Innards: Interpreter Stacks
- Python’s Innards: Hello, ceval.c
- Guido Van Rossum’s “Python History” blog (all of it!)
- Interfaces or Abstract Base Classes (2005)
- Of Python and Road Maps (or the lack thereof)
- Tutorial: Writing an Interpreter with PyPy Part 1
- Tutorial: Writing an Interpreter with PyPy Part 2: Adding a JIT
Enlace original jessenoller.
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