Vídeos de la DjangoCon Europe 2012
Ya se encuentran disponibles las charlas de la DjangoCon Europe 2012 celebrada en Zurich.
- Opening, Welcome
- Keynote
- PostgreSQL when it is not your job.
- Round Pegs and Square Holes: Django and MongoDB
- Class-based Generic Views: patterns and anti-patterns
- Django and the Real-time Web
- Building secure Django websites
- Implementing Domain-specific Languages in Django Applications
- I Hate Your Database
- Lightning Talk: Rebinding Selenium.
- Lightning Talk: How to make your own Django sprint
- How do we log into admin
- PyCon Poland 2012
- Lightning Talk: PyCharm
- Lightning Talk: Tree.io
- Lightning Talk: Django On Platform as a Service providers
- Lightning Talk: Scripting your development environment
- Keynote: Fostering Community
- LFS - Lightning Fast Shop
- Using CSS preprocessors effectively
- Arkestra: semantic information publishing for organisations
- Django Chuck - Your powerful project punch button (part 1)
- Django Chuck - Your powerful project punch button (part 2)
- It's about time!
- Healthy Webapps Through Continuous Introspection
- Lightning Talks: Django-IDS Intrusion detection system
- Lightning Talks: Django Template Coverage
- Lightning Talks: Glue, a command line tool to create CSS sprites
- Schemaless SQL
- Lightning Talks: PyCon Connecting The Python Community
- Lightning Talks: Ponystrap
- Lightning Talks: Three Weeks w/o Django (Nepal)
- Lightning Talks: bitbucket
- Facebook Apps with Django
- Keynote: Make me make good choices
- Adding Tests to an Uncovered Application
- Implementing real time web applications with Django
- Lightning Talks: Sync-Models
- Lightning Talks: VIM text editor, performance matters...
- Lightning Talks: CBV based navigation
- How Heroku Uses Heroku To Build Heroku
- Lightning Talks: people.djangoproject.com
- Involving women in the community
- Flasky Goodness (or Why Django Sucks?)
- Django Core Panel and closing session
Entradas Recientes
- Posts
- Reemplazando la bateria del AirTag
- OpenExpo Europe décima edición, 18 de mayo: El Epicentro de la Innovación y la Transformación Digital
- Docker Init
- Kubernetes para profesionales
- Agenda: OpenExpo Europe 2022 llega el 30 de junio en formato presencial
- Libro 'Manual de la Resilencia', de Alejandro Corletti, toda una referencia para la gestión de la seguridad en nuestros sistemas
- Mujeres hackers en ElevenPaths Radio
- Creando certificados X.509 caducados
- Generador de imágenes Docker para infosec