Vídeos de CascadiaJS
CascadiaJS es una conferencia orientada a Javascript que se celebró en Seattle los pasados 8 y 9 de noviembre. Javascript es un lenguaje que cada vez está tomando más relevancia y no sólo en el mundo web sino también en los nuevos sistemas operativos de Microsoft, así que ya no es sólo un lenguaje para desarrolladores web.
Pues nada, aquí tenéis los vídeos de las charlas de CascadiaJS:
- A simple crash course on web components and shadow DOM - how to build something with them and what problems they solve for developers.
- Navigating the DOM APIs. Sometimes, it makes sense to chart your own course.
- Big Data is raw, detailed, and happening all the time and we'll talk about ingesting, searching and visualizing this real-time data using the power of JavaScript.
- A whirlwind tour of interactive data visualizations, using distributed two tier applications powered by D3, CouchDB and friends.
- Advice for how to stay sane while building a large, complicated JavaScript library.
- A deep dive into Azure's new Mobile Service development platform - get your mobile app cloud-enabled in minutes.
- Things we didn't know (and we wish we did) when we started doing some cool HTML5 experiences.
- Let's talk about what Microsoft has given us for building ambitious, real-world Windows 8 apps in HTML5 and JavaScript—but also what's missing, and how we can fill in the gaps.
- Harness the power of streaming data in JavaScript using the Reactive Extensions for JavaScript.
- Learn the concepts behind Spark, a library that lets you write HTML declaratively by eliminating update logic.
- An overview of TypeScript, a new open-source compile-to-JS language for large application development from Microsoft.
- Learn everything you need to know about AMD & Require.js to implement a maintainable large JavaScript codebase.
- Exploring the problems and solutions with discovery in the JS ecosystem.
- Tips and secrets for fighting complexity while writing highly scaleable distributed systems using NodeJS.
- Interfaces will save us all by making it easier to write modular, flexible systems - and TypeScript is here to help us do it in JS.
- An in-depth look at some of the awesome things about Lo-Dash, a drop-in Underscore replacement.
- Experiential Analysis of the Ballmer Peak: Node.js, Arduino, and Beer.
- Creating non-blocking temporal sequences by letting node be node.
- Hacking the planet with cheap hardware & accessible platforms.
- I have spent the last year translating foreign language learning experiments into technology tools, and have an exciting vision for how they can come together using web technology.
- A rare peek into the way top developers think through coding problems.
- Demos of some fun and easy distributed systems.
- An inspirational discussion on the history that has brought us to the very point where returning to hardware is not only interesting, but exciting and why it all matters.
Entradas Recientes
- Posts
- Reemplazando la bateria del AirTag
- OpenExpo Europe décima edición, 18 de mayo: El Epicentro de la Innovación y la Transformación Digital
- Docker Init
- Kubernetes para profesionales
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- Creando certificados X.509 caducados
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