The MagPi número de diciembre


Si lo que te gusta el la electrónica y juguetear con dispositivos embebidos y ligeros, The MagPi es una revista que te gustará. Ya está disponible el número del mes de diciembre. Con el siguiente contenido:

  • Dig out the toolbox for the next thrilling installment, by Bodge N Hackitt
  • Control your home with a Raspberry Pi and catch Santa in the act! by Geoff Johnson
  • Win a 512Mb Raspberry Pi Model B, from PC Supplies UK
  • The power of Raspberry and the simplicity of Arduino using Nanpy, by Andrea Stagi
  • Control servos over the internet, by Ben Schaefer
  • Simon Monk's new book covering basic to full GPIO python examples.
  • An interview with the designers of the PiBow case, by Chris Stagg
  • Christmas from the 70's using the CESIL programming language, by Gordon Henderson
  • Using basic variables and STL strings, by Alex Kerr
  • The second installment in our Ada programming tutorial, by Luke A. Guest
  • Get your teeth into some Structured Query Language (SQL), by Richard Wenner
  • Raspberry Jams and other community events
  • Creating multiple desktop widgets, by Colin Deady
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