Vídeos de la Øredev Developer Conference 2013
La Øredev Developer Conference es una conferencia orientada al desarrollo de software en general. Ésta se viene celebrando desde al año 2005 y la edición de este año 2013 se celebró del 4 al 8 de noviembre en Suecia. Aquí os dejo la lista de vídeos de las charlas que se dieron:
- Implementing MicroService Architectures (Fred George)
- Implementing Programmer Anarchy (Fred George)
- Git secrets (Brent Beer)
- Programming, Only Better (Bodil Stokke)
- Postgres: The Bits You Haven't Found Yet (Peter van Hardenberg)
- Why Kotlin? (Svetlana Isakova)
- Functional Groovy (Andres Almiray)
- Let's Stop Faking It (Michael Larsen)
- Designer, developer communication (Heidi Harman)
- Developer Designer Communication (Heidi Harman)
- Lightning Fast SQL with Proper Indexing (Markus Winand)
- Design for times 10 or times 100: How to handle hundreds of millions played games per day. (Lars Sjödin)
- Discovering Type Providers in F# 3.0 (Rachel Reese)
- The Creativity (R)Evolution (Denise Jacobs)
- Google Glass, an introduction for developers (Mattias Erlö)
- A Live hacking demo that will make you care more about securing your code! (Marcus Murray)
- What's new in Visual Studio 2013 for web developers (Mads Kristensen)
- Azure Mobile Service – The backend for the masses (Dag König)
- F# for trading (Phil Trelford)
- Windows: Having it's ass kicked by puppet and PowerShell since 2012 (Paul Stack)
- Concurrent Applications with F# Agents (Rachel Reese)
- Lean UX: Building products people want (Adrian Howard)
- Aesthetics and the Beauty of an Architecture: Adventures in CQRS and Event Sourcing (Tom Scott)
- Spring 4 on Java 8 (Juergen Hoeller)
- Java Mission Control: Flight Recorder Deep Dive (Marcus Hirt)
- RRRADDD! Ridiculously rapid domain-driven (and restful) apps with Apache Isis (Dan Haywood)
- Refactor your specs! (Cyrille Martraire)
- Windows Phone 8 SDK: Beyond the Basics with Wallet, In-App Purchasing and Maps. (Michael Crump)
- Coding Tips and Tricks I Learned from Making Some of the Biggest Apps Out There (Atley Hunter)
- Symbiotic relationships between testing and analytics (Julian Harty)
- "Do it yourself"...Custom JavaFX Controls (Gerrit Grunwald)
- Cloud Infrastructure as Code (Henrik Lindberg)
- Developers Can't Design (And Other Completely Untrue Design Myths) (Jen Myers)
- Introduction to the Play Framework (James Ward)
- The next version of JavaScript: ES6 on the frontend, in the real world (John K. Paul)
- Effective Node.js Programming and Module Creation (Jed Wood)
- Unconventional promises - using promises for the kitchen sink, and control flow nivana (John K. Paul)
- Breakout - of the tiles (Håkan Reis)
- No Estimates: Let's explore the possibilities (Roy "Woody" Zuill)
- Security Avalanche – understanding today’s modern protocols (Michele Leroux Bustamante)
- Firefox OS - the platform HTML5 deserves (Christian Heilmann)
- Data visualization, infographics and big open data (Steen Lehmann)
- Regression Obsession (Michael Bolton)
- Advanced Android App Architectures + Lifecycles (Bryan Costanich)
- Balancing ATDD, GUI Automation and Exploratory Testing (Michael Larsen)
- An Artistic Science Approach to Analysis and Reporting Performance Data (Scott Barber)
- Practical Tools for Playing Well with Others (J. B. Rainsberger)
- Being Secure on a Mobile Platform (Siren Hofvander)
- Open APIs - risks and rewards (Andreas Krohn)
- Adopting Continuous Delivery (Jez Humble)
- Heuristics of Testability (James Bach)
- Art & code with XKCD (Randall Munroe)
- The Art of Ruby on Rails (Steve Klabnik)
- Gradle for Android and the rest of the world (Luke Daley)
- ZeroMQ – A Whole Bunch of Awesome [C# Edition] (Ashic Mahtab)
- HTML5 Hacks (Jesse Cravens)
- An Open Source Grid-Based Actor Model (Vaughn Vernon)
- Efficient Android Threading (Anders Göransson)
- Windows Phone 100+ Apps In – What I have Learned (Atley Hunter)
- Livin on the edge: Netflix edge architecture (Adrian Cole)
- C# Cross Platform Mobile with Xamarin (Bryan Costanich)
- F# for C# developers (Phil Trelford)
- Hands On with Clojure (Bodil Stokke)
- Windows Phone 8- the advanced session for the creative child at heart (Iris Classon)
- Functional Principles for Object-Oriented Developers (Jessica Kerr)
- Lightning introduction to three NoSQL technologies (Joel Jacobson)
- 30 NuGet Packages in 50 Minutes (Shay Friedman)
- if (BetterConcurrency == BetterPerformance) { ... (Kirk Pepperdine)
- Modern Component Design with Spring (Juergen Hoeller)
- How To Structure Your JavaEE 7 App (Adam Bien)
- Unlocking the Java EE Platform with HTML5 (Geertjan Wielenga)
- Agile Lightning Talks (J. B. Rainsberger)
- So What About Tablets? (Richard Campbell)
- Enterprise git collaboration patterns (Brent Beer)
- Tracking and Improving Software Quality with Sonar (Patroklos Papapetrou)
- Scaling mobile development at Spotify (Per Eckerdal)
- Less is more! - when it comes to art and software (Jimmy Nilsson)
- Code as a crime scene (Adam Petersen Tornhill)
- Managing Asynchronicity with RQ (Douglas Crockford)
- Shakespeare in Dev (Thomas Q Brady)
- The future of Java in the grander scheme of things (Tomas Nilsson)
- Habits of a Responsible Programmer (Anders Janmyr)
- Go To There and Back Again (Douglas Crockford)
- Entity Framework in Core-Business Applications that Leverage DDD (Julie Lerman)
- Building Secure and Social Applications (Michele Leroux Bustamante)
- Distributed teams - a pragmatic way (Björn Granvik)
- Building Reactive Apps with Play Framework, Akka, and Scala (James Ward)
- Layers Considered Harmful (Christian Horsdal)
- Ubuntu, a potent new force in mobile (David Planella)
- Release your creativity - join OpenJDK (Cecilia Borg)
- The Curious Case of JavaScript on the JVM (Attila Szegedi)
- Data @ King - How we are able analyze 100M DAU (Mats-Olov Eriksson)
- Being Lean in the Cloud: Continuous Deployment with Amazon Web Services (Martin Elwin)
- tekhnasthai (Anna Beatrice Scott)
- The Third Wave of Artfulness in Code (Matthew McCullough)
- Does Pair Programming Have to Suck? (Angela Harms)
- Mob Programming, A Whole Team Approach (Roy "Woody" Zuill)
- The Art of Learning and Mentoring (Jutta Eckstein)
- Rebranding Agile: How Marketers are Changing the Way they Work for Real-time World (Frank Days)
- Extreme Personal Finance (J. B. Rainsberger)
- New Frontiers For In-House Legal Practice (Kate Sullivan)
- The Art of Building Tools - A Language Engineering Perspective (Markus Voelter)
- Have You Seen Spring Lately? (Joshua Long)
- Go Beyond "Debug": Wire Tap your App for Knowledge with Hadoop (Oleg Zhurakousky)
- ElasticSearch - Distributed search on BigData made easy (Itamar Syn-Hershko)
- The very near future of a richer, standards based web (Christian Heilmann)
- Taking a PaaS on the Hard Stuff with Cloud Foundry (Joshua Long)
- Building End to End Web App Using TypeScript (Gil Fink)
- Building Web Applications with Ember.js and Ruby On Rails (Jesse Cravens)
- The Art of Ruby (Steve Klabnik)
- What's New in JAX-RS 2 (Reza Rahman)
- What is new in XAML for Windows 8.1 (Tess Ferrandez)
- Android Design: Beyond the Guidelines - Creating character and identity in your applications (Kevin Grant)
- NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (Chris Richardson)
- Crafted Technology and Experiences (Petra Sundström)
Entradas Recientes
- Posts
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- Creando certificados X.509 caducados
- Generador de imágenes Docker para infosec