Algunos libros gratuitos de Microsoft
Buena colección de libros que Microsoft Press ofrece de forma gratuita en formato PDF, epub y mobi.
No son muchos pero tienen muy buena pinta (sobre todo si estás interesado en System Center, hay varios de ellos).

Download the PDF (12.4 MB)
Download the EPUB file (24.3 MB)
Download the Mobi for Kindle file (43.1 MB)

Download the PDF (8.0 MB)
Download the EPUB file (22.5 MB)
Download the Mobi for Kindle file (40.3 MB)

Microsoft Press is pleased to offer the second preview of Kraig Brockschmidt’s in-depth ebook on writing Windows Store apps using HTML, CSS3, and JavaScript on the Windows 8.1 platform.
We’ll be publishing the final ebook (with 20 chapters and 4 appendices) in March/April in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi for Kindle formats. In the meantime, enjoy this preview! Download the PDF (16.40 MB)
Download the book’s companion files (132 MB

Download the PDF (6.0 MB).
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