Vídeo tutoriales sobre introducción a la programación en ensamblador

Aquí tenéis una buena colección de vídeos muy cortos y específicos sobre programación en ensamblador x86 (Windows). Son tutoriales de iniciación muy instructivos. Tratan desde instalación del entorno que necesitas para seguir los ejemplos, conceptos básicos, pero indispensables en el entorno ensamblador, hasta ejemplos específicos de diferentes instrucciones.
El autor de los vídeos Rasim Muratovic, usa como base para los mismos el libro Assembly Language for x86 Processors.
- Introduction to Assembly Programming Language
- Assembly 1 - Installing MASM32 SDK
- Assembly 2 - Integer Constants
- Assembly 3 - Integer Expressions
- Assembly 4 - Real Number Constants
- Assembly 5 - Character Constants
- Assembly 6 - String Constants
- Assembly 7 - Reserved Words
- Assembly 8 - Identifiers
- Assembly 9 - Directives
- Assembly 10 - Directives - Part 2 - Defining Segments
- Assembly 11 - Instructions - Part 1 - Labels
- Assembly 12 - Instructions - Part 2 - Instructions Mnemonic
- Assembly 13 - Instructions - Part 3 - Operands
- Assembly 14 - Instructions - Part 4 - Comments
- Assembly 15 - Installing emu8086 and Printing Hello World!
- Assembly 16 - Simple Input and Output
- Assembly 17 - Registers
- Assembly 18 - ASCII Table and Simple Math
- Assembly 19 - Defining Data and Variables
- Assembly 20 - MOV Instruction
- Assembly 21 - Copying Smaller Values to Larger Ones
- Assembly 22 - INC and DEC Instructions
- Assembly 23 - ADD and SUB Instructions
- Assembly 24 - NEG Instruction and Two's Complement
- Assembly 25 - CPU Satus Flags
- Assembly 26 - JMP Instruction
- Assembly 27 - LOOP Instruction
- Assembly 28 - Nested Loops
- Assembly 29 - PUSH and POP Instructions
- Assembly 30 - PUSHF, POPF,PUSHFD and POPFD Instruction
- Assembly 31 - PUSHAD, PUSHA, POPAD and POPA
- Assembly 32 - Defining and Using Procedures, CALL and RET
- Assembly 33 - Nested Procedure Calls
- Assembly 34 - AND Instruction
- Assembly 35 - Or Instruction
- Assembly 36 - XOR Instruction
- Assembly 37 - NOT Instruction
- Assembly 38 - TEST Instruction
- Assembly 39 - CMP Instruction
- Assembly 40 - Conditional Jumps: Jc, Jnc, Jz and Jnz
- Assembly 41 - Jumps Based on Equality
- Assembly 42 - Jumps Based on Unsigned Comparisons
- Assembly 43 - LOOPZ Instruction
- Assembly 44 - LOOPE Instruction
- Assembly 45 - SHL Instruction
- Assembly 46 - SHR Instruction
- Assembly 47 - SAL Instruction
- Assembly 48 - SAR Instruction
- Assembly 49 - MUL Instruction
- Assembly 50 - DIV Instruction
- Assembly 51 - Creating a Adding Program
- Assembly 52 - ADC Instruction
- Assembly 53 - SBB Instruction
- Assembly 54 - AAA Instruction
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