Vídeos de las charlas de la Norwegian Developers Conference Oslo 2014
Las charlas de la NDC (Norwegian Developers Conference) que tuvieron lugar entre el 2 y 6 de junio en Oslo, Noruega de este mismo año, 2014, están disponibles públicamente, y si mis cuentas no me han fallado, son nada más y nada menos que 158 vídeos. La temática principal de esta conferencia es el desarrollo de software. Aquí tenéis la lista completa:
- NDCOslo Trailer
- It’s a Write/Read (Mobile) Web
- Immutability, State and Scale - Functional, Distributed Applications in Azure
- C++14
- Front End Design Patterns: SOLID CSS + JS for Backend Developers
- Hybrid vs Native: Choosing a Mobile Strategy
- Developing in a Decade
- Building End-to-End Web Apps Using TypeScript
- Pharo: Playing with live objects
- Strangling the Legacy out of an Application
- Domain Specific Languages, the functional way
- Go: A Pragmatic Language
- Effective Modern C++
- Build a Better Bootstrap
- Temporal correlation and complex event processing in JavaScript
- Banish Your Inner Critic
- Windows Azure Mobile Services from the ground up
- The Agony of Lean Startup
- CQRS with Erlang
- Azure Web Sites Secrets, Exposed!
- Error Handling in C++
- Write massively-parallel GPU code for the browser with WebGL
- ReactiveUI - Turning MVVM up to 11
- Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers
- Functional Programming the Long Road to Enlightenment: a Historical and Personal Narrative
- What is new: Windows Phone and Windows Store App
- Querying of Event Streams
- OWIN and Katana: What the Func?
- Functional Code Considered Beautiful
- Move, noexcept, and push_back() and how they relate to each other
- Bridging Node.js and .NET Using Edge.js
- People, Process, Tools – The Essence of DevOps
- CPU Caches and Why You care
- Understanding SignalR performance
- Our experience from building and running a SaaS in the cloud
- Async C# 5.0 - Patters For Real World Use
- Web API Authorization & Access Control – done right!
- Scaling Event Processing at all scales and all languages with the Reactive Extensions
- C++ Type Deduction and Why You Care
- Functional Reactive Programming and Bacon
- Railway Oriented Programming -- error handling in functional languages
- Finally! - True Cross-Platform Federation & Single Sign-On with OpenID Connect
- Leading without formal authority
- Patterns for the People
- Builders versus breakers – 10 online attacks we could have easily prevented
- scriptcs deep dive. Extending, customizing and embedding in your applications.
- Game and Simulator Physics for Developers, Gamers and Petrol Heads
- Generic and Generative Programming in C++
- Serialize All The Things with Json.NET
- Better Software--No Matter What: The Most Important Design Guideline
- How C# Saved my Marriage, Enhanced my Career and Made Me an Inch Taller
- The integrations we fear and how we can manage them
- TCP servers in .NET done right
- Managing Asynchronicity
- Single sign-on for mobile native applications
- Javascript Combinators
- Delightful WebGL in Elm
- Beyond NuGet: Front End Package Management with Bower
- Securing a modern JavaScript based single page web application
- Taking Design Patterns to the Next Level
- Snake Bitten: Danger and Misfortune in the Evolution of Programming Languages
- C++ - where are we headed?
- The mess we're in
- The mythical beast called the Internet of Things and how to tame it
- The Art of the Javascript Metaobject Protocol
- Becoming an Outlier: Career Reboot for the Developer Mind
- Docker is the future of shipping our code
- Cloud beyond scaling : realtime webapplications
- An Actor's Life for Me – An introduction to the TPL Dataflow Library and asynchronous programming blocks
- From Knockout to AngularJS
- Full Stack Web Performance
- How to scale apps and cloud services for Play Magnus
- Three Cool Things about D
- The journey from Powershell to Grunt for Build and Deploy
- Zone out, check in, move on
- Delivering Continuously to 10 Million Users
- Quick Tour to Front-End Unit Testing Using Jasmine
- An Introduction to Nancy
- .NET outside of Visual Studio
- The Better Parts
- Pipe dreams: Pipes |> Macros |> Beautiful Code
- The C++ memory model
- Angular TypeScript
- Agile Kaizen
- Wherefore art thou Erlang?
- Privacy for the Internet
- Designing Wonderful .NET APIs
- The Future of ASP.NET Part I
- C# is in my ears and in my eyes
- Node.JS Tools For Front-End Developers
- Brief tour of Clang
- Building Directives for AngularJS
- Agile Metrics - Velocity is NOT the Goal
- Discrete Math You Need to Know
- Ninja vs. Samurai - Let the scripting battle begin
- "It doesn't work like that in enterprise"
- Insecure coding in C and C++
- The Future of ASP.NET Part II
- Free is a Lie
- Why no code reviews?
- Facial Hair & the Road to Faster JavaScript
- From Code Monkey to Boss Man
- IDEs: The State of the Union
- 10 Things I've Learned From Doing OSS
- The Technical Debt Trap
- So you think you can int? (C++)"
- Coding against MongoDB in .NET
- Metamagical programming with expression trees
- F# and Machine Learning: a winning combination
- Some Time Later: What’s the state of HTML5 & hybrid apps?
- Build an extraordinary career by sharing your knowledge
- Getting Agile with Scrum
- Data Modeling Examples in the Real World with MongoDB
- The Future of Extreme Web Browsing
- 1) Write cross-platform apps with F# & Xamarin. 2) ??? 3) Profit!
- Accelerating Windows Store app development by using Prism for the Windows Runtime
- Functional UI programming with React.JS and ClojureScript
- Internet of Things - Controlling the world with Arduino and JavaScript?
- Advanced TDD: The Transformation Priority Premise
- Beautiful Builds
- User Stories for Agile Requirements
- Back to basics: Finalization and disposition in .NET
- Making 3D games with MonoGame
- Lessons Learned - Web Application Testing in .NET
- A lap around the Windows Phone 8.1 development platform
- Architecting large Single Page Applications with Knockout.js
- Agile Estimating
- From SQL to RavenDB: A .NET Team’s Journey
- Transforming your C# code to functional style
- Say Hello to your Google Android Wear Watch
- Hadoop Kickstarter for the Microsoft Platform
- How I hacked my way to Norway
- Porting Quake III to F#: A Journey to Functional Programming
- Building Universal Apps for Windows Phone and Windows 8.1
- .NET Rocks Panel: Why Do You Develop Software?
- The Internet Of Things and everything wireless
- Clean Architecture and Design
- Advanced Topics in Agile Planning
- HTML5 & JavaScript Communication APIs
- Understanding your website through the IE11 F12 tools
- Introducing Roslyn
- RELEASE Scalable Erlang
- Programming Pebble
- TDD in Tatters
- From text to full-text
- Towards an Evolutionary Architecture
- Leading a Self-Organizing Team
- A Heaping Stack of Scripts: Getting the most out of JavaScript Stacktraces.
- Using the Scrum Rules Against your Boss
- Web Audio: Can you hear me now?
- The Future of UX with Kinect for Windows v2
- Windows 8.1 Store Apps – Given to Fly
- A Peek into an Enterprise Development Operation Team
- Typed? Dynamic? Both! Cross-plat, form DSLs in C#
- Core Software Design Principles
- History of Programming: Part 1
- Case study: Making use of functional programming techniques in .NET
- A reality check on the Internet of Things - and how you can get started with your own project
Entradas Recientes
- Posts
- Reemplazando la bateria del AirTag
- OpenExpo Europe décima edición, 18 de mayo: El Epicentro de la Innovación y la Transformación Digital
- Docker Init
- Kubernetes para profesionales
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- Libro 'Manual de la Resilencia', de Alejandro Corletti, toda una referencia para la gestión de la seguridad en nuestros sistemas
- Mujeres hackers en ElevenPaths Radio
- Creando certificados X.509 caducados
- Generador de imágenes Docker para infosec