Material de LinuxCon Europe 2015

Ya podemos descargarnos las diapositivas (PDFs) de las presentaciones de la LinuxCon Europe 2015 celebrada a principios de este mes de octubre.
- IoTivity Core Framework: Features & Opportunities
- IoT Meets Security
- Creating IoT Demos with IoTivity
- Container mechanics in rkt and Linux
- TC: Traffic Control
- Measuring and reducing crosstalk between virtual machines
- Introduction to GPUs and the Free Software Graphics Stack
- At-Scale Datacenters and the Demand for New Storage Architectures
- Reducing Latency for Linux Transport
- Maximum Performance: How to get it and how to avoid pitfalls
- Linux Performance Profiling and Monitoring
- Introducing the Industrial IIO subsystem - the home of sensor drivers
- Deadline scheduler in the audio domain
- Secure server
- Network Analysis: People and Open Source Communities
- Challenges in Distributed SDN
- Portable Linux Lab - a novel approach to teaching programming in schools
- BitRot detection in GlusterFS
- How to Thoroughly Insult and Offend People in Your Open Source Communities, or “Your #$%@ $%@&ing Sucks and I $%@&ing Hate It"
- OpenSMTPD: we deliver !!
- Use "strace" to understand your shell (BASH)
- gnuplot - A picture says a thousand numbers
- The Devil Wears RPM: Continuous Security Integration
- Introduction to Advanced Bash Usage
- Data Plane Isolation via the Jailhouse Hypervisor
- Enhancements to FreeIPA replication topology management
- Towards Application Driven Storage: Controlling Data Placement and Garbage Collection using RocksDB with LightNVM.
- Developers Care About the License: Using SPDX to Describe License Information
- Outreachy kernel internship report
- Enhance OpenSSH for fun and security
- Balancing Power and Performance in the Linux kernel
- Suspend/Resume at the Speed of Light
- Setting up an IPv6 Lan with Linux
- eBPF on the mainframe - Packet filtering and more
- Reflections on data plane performance, iptables and ipsets
- How To Make a Positive Impact In Open Source Without Doing Any Coding
- Statistical Performance Analysis with Performance Co-Pilot and R
- Advancements in Automatic File Replication in Gluster
- dbusoorexx - Bringing the Power of D-Bus to Your Fingertips
- Catch Up on the Raspberry Pi
- container management apis: an overview
- NFS-Ganesha and Clustered NAS on Distributed Storage Systems
- Static Analysis of your OSS Project with Coverity
- Tracing virtual machines from the host with trace-cmd virt-server
- ACPI on ARM64: challenges ahead
- IoTivity, the Open Interconnect Consortium and the IoT Challenge
- System recovery with BTRFS and snapshots/rollback
- Boosting Developer Productivity with Clang
Entradas Recientes
- Posts
- Reemplazando la bateria del AirTag
- OpenExpo Europe décima edición, 18 de mayo: El Epicentro de la Innovación y la Transformación Digital
- Docker Init
- Kubernetes para profesionales
- Agenda: OpenExpo Europe 2022 llega el 30 de junio en formato presencial
- Libro 'Manual de la Resilencia', de Alejandro Corletti, toda una referencia para la gestión de la seguridad en nuestros sistemas
- Mujeres hackers en ElevenPaths Radio
- Creando certificados X.509 caducados
- Generador de imágenes Docker para infosec