Echando un vistazo al interior de la primera videoconsola de la historia, Magnavox Odyssey, en su 40 cumpleaños

Ahora se cumple el 40 aniversario de la que es considerada la primera videoconsola doméstica de la historia. En la web de VintageComputing han creado este post (publicado en PCWorld) donde hacen un completo análisis de todo su hardware (tanto interior como exterior) con fotos y comentarios. La Odyssey salió al mercado en Agosto de 1972 a un precio de 99,99$ (unos 500$ dólares de hoy día), incluía 12 juegos y podía funcionar en cualquier televisor.
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Nuevo número de esta, ya veterana, revista sobre seguridad. El índice de este número es: Fitness as a model for security Security and migrating to the cloud: Is it all doom and gloom? Solid state drives: Forensic preservation issues Introduction to Android malware analysis Hack in The Box Conference 2012 Amsterdam ISO 27001 standard: Breaking the documentation myth with Dejan Kosutic Preparing a breach response plan Security beyond the operating system: Into the cloud and beyond Amphion Forum 2012 Munich The challenges of data recovery from modern storage systems Two-factor authentication for the cloud: Does it have to be hard?
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Vídeo tutoriales sobre como crear tu propia ROM para Android

En el foro por excelencia sobre Android y Windows Mobile xdadeveopers han creado un hilo sobre como crear tu propia ROM para Android en forma de vídeo tutoriales. Hasta ahora estos son los tutoriales disponibles: Introduction Settings Up Cygwin And Kitchen Setting Up Remaining Tools (ftf extractor,flashtool,fastboot etc) Extracting .FTF File Getting Started - Android Kitchen Finalizing ROM Editing .APK Files Editing .JAR Files Dealing With .9.png Files Editing Build.
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Distribución de Pen Testing para Raspberry Pi

Ya hemos visto muchas distribuciones o frameworks cargadas de herramientas de seguridad y prepardas para ser usadas desde dispositivos móviles o pequeños. Ya aquí hemos escrito varias entradas relacionadas con el tema: Plataforma de pentesting sobre 3G Ubuntu Laika, distribución de pen testing para Android Convierte tu teléfono Android en una plataforma de pentesting etc Una nueva distribución ha aparecedido, pero esta vez para Raspberry Pi, del que también hemos hablado en varias ocasiones.
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Presentaciones de la Hack in the box 2012 celebrada en Amsterdam

Ya podemos descargarnos las presentaciones de otra gran conferencia de seguridad en la que ha habido participación hispana. La HITB (Hack in the box) 2012 Amsterdam: CLOSING KEYNOTE - Ms Jaya Baloo - Identity Privacy and Security.pdf D1 SIGINT - Marinus Kuivenhoven - Hack to the Future.pdf D1 SIGINT - Ralf- Philip Weinmann - NO SLIDES.pdf D1 SIGINT - Xavier Mertens - Pastebinmon and Leakedin.pdf D1T1 - Arnauld Mascret - Whistling Over The Wire.
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Club Hack Magazine #28

Disponible un nuevo número de Club Hack Magazine. El índice es el siguiente: 0x00 Tech Gyan - Steganography over converted channels 0x01 Tool Gyan - Kautilya 0x02 Mom's Guide - HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) 0x03 Legal Gyan - Section 66C - Punishment for identity theft 0x04 Code Gyan - Don’t Get Injected – Fix Your Code 0x05 Poster - "Look both side before crossing one way track" La puedes descargar desde aquí (PDF).
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Seguridad de sistemas y análisis de código malicioso

La Universidad de Dallas, Texas, uno de los muchos cursos que ofrece es llamado: System Security and Malicious Code Analysis (Seguridad de sistemas y análisis de código malicioso). Éste no es uno de esos cursos que se han puesto de moda últimamente que puedes tomar online. Aunque no hay disponibles ni vídeo ni audio, sí que están disponibles las diapositivas usadas en el mismo. Después de un echar un vistazo rápido, me han parecido muy completas en interesantes.
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Derbycon 2011 Vídeos

De forma casual me he topado con los vídeos de la Derbycon del año pasado 2011 y después de buscar por el blog he visto que no teníamos una entrada con los vídeos de esta magnífica conferencia, que por cierto fue la primera edición. Así que aquí van: jimmy shah mobile app moolah profit taking with mobile malware mccorkle and rios 100 bugs in 100 days an analysis of ics scada software brent huston realize your hacker heritage do the needful mick douglas blue team is sexy refocusing on defense part ii all you baseline are belong to us thomas dotreppe mister x openwips ng joshua drake jduck exploiting java memory corruption vulnerabilities matthew becker 73o7ki survival hacking your way out of armageddon bart hopper avoiding the landmines in your own backyard georgia weidman throw it in the river towards real live actual smartphone security brian baskin walking the green mile how to get fired after a security incident infojanitor virtual trust virtual permission and the illusion of security boris sverdlik your perimeter sucks larry pesce you are the smart meter making and hacking of the 2011 ma ccdc electronic badges rob simon pentesting over powerlines bill sempf is locksport a sport raphael mudge dirty red team tricks keynote hd moore acoustic intrusions ben feinstein and jeff jarmoc get off of my cloud cloud credential compromise and exposure josh kelley winfang98 infectious media bypassing autorun once and for all chris nickerson compliance an assault on reason chris roberts a tribute to dr strangelove deviant ollam distinguishing lockpicks raking vs lifting vs jiggling and more joe schorr rule 1 cardio and 9 other rules to keep intruders out ryan linn collecting underpants to win your network jayson e street steal everything kill everyone cause total financial ruin or how i walked in and misbehaved bruce potter the details dont matter kevin mitnick dave kennedy adaptive penetration testing rick farina free floating hostility chris gates and rob fuller the dirty little secrets they didnt teach you in pentesting class johnny long hackers for charity update jamison scheeres social engineering is a fraud jack daniel surviving a teleporter accident it could happen to you kevin johnson and tom eston desktop betrayal exploiting clients through the features they demand closing rick hayes karthik rangarajan osint beyond the basics int0x80 of dual core anti forensics for the louise evan booth hide yo kids hide yo wife residential security and monitoring the bottom line atlas sploit me if you can charlie miller battery firmware hacking michael arpaia beat to 1337 creating a successful university cyber defense organization tony huffman myne us when fuzzers miss the no hanging fruit adrian dave martin welcome to derbycon 2011 intro to the con and events tottenkoph data mining for neuro hackers kyle osborne kos the hidden xss attacking the desktop thomas hoffecker exploiting pki for fun and profit or the next yellow padlock icon rafal los youre going to need a bigger shovel a critical look at software security assurance carlos perez darkoperator tactical post exploitation jason scott jason scotts shareware calvacade paul asadoorian john strand offensive countermeasures still trying to bring sexy back rick redman tomorrow you can patch that 0day but your users will still get you p0wn3d pat mccoy and chris silvers hook line and syncer the liar for hires ultimate tacklebox adrian crenshaw building a svartkast cheap hardware to leave behind on someone elses network peter van eeckhoutte and elliot cutright win32 exploit development with mona and the metasploit framework dennis kuntz mining sensitive information from images using command line ocr the penetration testing execution standard ptes panel adrian dave martin welcome to derbycon 2011 intro to the con and events keynote hd moore acoustic intrusions johnny long hackers for charity update kevin mitnick dave kennedy adaptive penetration testing the penetration testing execution standard ptes panel bruce potter the details dont matter chris nickerson compliance an assault on reason pat mccoy and chris silvers hook line and syncer the liar for hires ultimate tacklebox jason scott jason scotts shareware calvacade atlas sploit me if you can dennis kuntz mining sensitive information from images using command line ocr tottenkoph data mining for neuro hackers michael arpaia beat to 1337 creating a successful university cyber defense organization carlos perez darkoperator tactical post exploitation paul asadoorian john strand offensive countermeasures still trying to bring sexy back tony huffman myne us when fuzzers miss the no hanging fruit rafal los youre going to need a bigger shovel a critical look at software security assurance rick hayes karthik rangarajan osint beyond the basics int0x80 of dual core anti forensics for the louise rick redman tomorrow you can patch that 0day but your users will still get you p0wn3d brian baskin walking the green mile how to get fired after a security incident jack daniel surviving a teleporter accident it could happen to you adrian crenshaw building a svartkast cheap hardware to leave behind on someone elses network joe schorr rule 1 cardio and 9 other rules to keep intruders out thomas hoffecker exploiting pki for fun and profit or the next yellow padlock icon matthew becker 73o7ki survival hacking your way out of armageddon bart hopper avoiding the landmines in your own backyard chris gates and rob fuller the dirty little secrets they didnt teach you in pentesting class boris sverdlik your perimeter sucks evan booth hide yo kids hide yo wife residential security and monitoring the bottom line rick farina free floating hostility georgia weidman throw it in the river towards real live actual smartphone security brent huston realize your hacker heritage do the needful rob simon pentesting over powerlines larry pesce you are the smart meter making and hacking of the 2011 ma ccdc electronic badges bill sempf is locksport a sport infojanitor virtual trust virtual permission and the illusion of security ben feinstein and jeff jarmoc get off of my cloud cloud credential compromise and exposure jimmy shah mobile app moolah profit taking with mobile malware mccorkle and rios 100 bugs in 100 days an analysis of ics scada software charlie miller battery firmware hacking peter van eeckhoutte and elliot cutright win32 exploit development with mona and the metasploit framework ryan linn collecting underpants to win your network jamison scheeres social engineering is a fraud josh kelley winfang98 infectious media bypassing autorun once and for all kevin johnson and tom eston desktop betrayal exploiting clients through the features they demand jayson e street steal everything kill everyone cause total financial ruin or how i walked in and misbehaved deviant ollam distinguishing lockpicks raking vs lifting vs jiggling and more raphael mudge dirty red team tricks chris roberts a tribute to dr strangelove kyle osborne kos the hidden xss attacking the desktop mick douglas blue team is sexy refocusing on defense part ii all you baseline are belong to us thomas dotreppe mister x openwips ng joshua drake jduck exploiting java memory corruption vulnerabilities closing Podéis encontrar otros formatos de vídeo aquí
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Echando un vistazo a la Forensic FOCA

El análisis forense (cómputo forense), conocido en ocasiones como una ciencia, ha acaparado la atención de muchos profesionales en los últimos años, por desgraci. Digo por desgracia, porque normalmente cuando requerimos los servicios de un analista informático forense, son por motivos de instrusión en nuestros sistemas. Aunque normalmente asociamos el análisis forense como paso posterior a una irrupción ilegítima, esta ciencia también se puede aplicar a otro tipo de casos no criminales.
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Pauldotcom episodio 12

Nueva entrevista de Carlos Pérez, esta vez a Efrain Torres, miembro del equipo de Metesploit. Puedes descargar el podcast desde aquí.
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