Herramienta para entender cómo corren las aplicaciones en Kubernetes
- September 2, 2019
- tuxotron
- Visualización de recursos de forma visual y las dependencias entre estos.
- Nos permite hacer port-forwarding a un pod. Es decir, podemos mapear un puerto local, a un puerto remoto de un pod. De esta forma podemos acceder al mismo sin tener que crear un servicio.
- Ampliable a través de plugins.
- Acceso a logs de forma continua.
- Fácil navegación por el clúster.
- Filtrado de búsquedas por etiquetas.
- …
Kubernetes es una plataforma, que ya trabajes en desarrollo, seguridad u operaciones, debes conocer porque en algún momento, no muy lejano, te tocará tratar con ella, sino lo haces ya.
Octant es una herramienta de VMWare que nos ofrece información en tiempo de real sobre un clúster de Kubernetes al que tengamos acceso. Su objetivo es que ésta sea parte del conjunto de herramientas del desarrollador, aunque evidentemente puede ser usada por cualquiera.
Entre sus características podemos encontrar:
En Kubernetes existe una interfaz gráfica que práticamente permite hacer todo lo mencionado anteriormente, a excepción del port-forwarding y el uso de plugins. De hecho el panel de control de Kubernetes, nos permite crear objetos, borrarlos, modificarlos, etc. Mientras que Octant, sin la instalación de plugins, actualmente sólo nos permite navegar por el clúster y ver el estado del mismo, es decir, no nos permite modificarlo. Aquí la gran diferencia entre estos es que el panel de control de Kubernetes se instala como parte del clúster, mientras que Octant corre de forma local, es decir, que siempre y cuando tengas acceso a un cluster de Kubernetes, puedes correr Octant y poder navegar por el mismo de forma gráfica.
Recuerda que el panel de control gráfico de Kubernetes, no es un componente requerido. Es opcional, y no es el único que existe. De hecho, cada producto construido encima de Kubernete, suele tener su propio panel de control gráfico: Openshift, GKE, EKS, etc.
Si quieres ver la diferencia entre el panel de control de Kubernetes y Octant puedes ejecutar ambos en tu sistema.
Usando minikube sólo tienes que ejecutar (minikube debe estar corriendo):
minikube dashboard
Este comando abrirá el panel de control de minikube (oficial de Kubernetes) en el navegador.
Para ver Octant, lo primero es instalarlo, cuyas instrucciones están disponibles en el enlace de arriba, así el cómo ejecutarlo. Por defecto Octant escucha por el puerto 7777, pero éste se puede cambiar a través de la variable de entorno OCTANT_LISTENER_ADDR
, por ejemplo:
Si estás interesado en la creación de plugins para Octant, puedes visitar la documentación, que curiosamente tienes que correr localmente usando hugo, misma plataforma sobre la que corre este blog :).
Cómo kubectl usa la API de Kubernetes
- August 19, 2019
- tuxotron
Como ya sabes, y si no lo sabes te lo cuento ahora, en Kubernetes, cualquier tipo de consulta o comando se lleva a cabo a través de llamadas a la API del mismo. El componente encargado de recibir y procesar dichas peticiones se llama: API Server. Este componente se encuentra en el nodo o nodos maestros del cluster.
Mi compañero y amigo Cybercaronte y yo ya hemos publicado varios artículos relacionados con Kubernetes, en los cuales si has leído, sabrás que existe una herramienta con la que podemos intereactuar con nuestro clúster desde la línea de comandos: kubectl
. Aunque existen interfaces gráficas, la forma más común y usada es a través de dicha herramienta.
Las opciones que esta utilidad provee son bastante amplias. En esta entrada vamos a hablar sólo de un parámetro común a prácticamente todas las opciones ofrecidas por kubectl
: la verbosidad (verbosity).
Para saber que ocurre cuando ejecutamos un comando con kubectl
, podemos usar la opción -v o –v. Esta opción acepta a su vez un número, el cual indica el nivel de verbosidad que queremos obtener. Dicho número va desde el 0 al 9, y la información que reporta kubectl
con cada número es la siguiente:
Si ejecutamos el sisguiente comando:
kubectl get pods
nginx-7bb7cd8db5-8z6t8 1/1 Running 0 33s
Vemos que kubectl
nos devuelve los pods que tenemos corriendo en el espacio de nombres default.
Ahora hagamos los mismo con vervosidad de nivel 5:
kubectl get pods -v=5
I0819 17:02:54.174578 30833 get.go:564] no kind "Table" is registered for version "meta.k8s.io/v1beta1" in scheme "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/legacyscheme/scheme.go:30"
nginx-7bb7cd8db5-8z6t8 1/1 Running 0 26s
Como se puede observar, en este caso, además de los pods que hay corriendo, obtenemos información extra. Los niveles del 0 al 5 nos vienen muy bien para depurar o ver que acciones lleva a cabo kubectl
, pero los níveles en los que quiero hacer hincapié en esta entrada son del 6 al 9.
Activando estos niveles, no sólo son muy útiles para depurar y ver que hace kubectl
, pero también son muy educativos, sobre todo si nos queremos familiarizar con su API, ya que estos niveles nos muestran que llamadas a la API hace kubectl
Veamos un ejemplo en nivel 6: (sólo voy a dejar las líneas que nos interesa)
kubectl get pods -v=6
I0819 17:11:39.565753 30923 round_trippers.go:438] GET 200 OK in 12 milliseconds
Como se puede ver, para obtener los pods del espacio de nombre actual (default), kubectl
hace una llamada a
que además, podemos apreciar que limita el número de pods a 500, con lo que si tienes más de 500 pods corriendo en tu espacio de nombre y kubectl
sólo te devuelve 500, ya sabes el porqué ;).
Ahora subamos de nivel:
kubectl get pods -v=7
I0819 17:22:29.600084 31029 round_trippers.go:416] GET
I0819 17:22:29.600108 31029 round_trippers.go:423] Request Headers:
I0819 17:22:29.600118 31029 round_trippers.go:426] Accept: application/json;as=Table;v=v1beta1;g=meta.k8s.io, application/json
I0819 17:22:29.600132 31029 round_trippers.go:426] User-Agent: kubectl/v1.15.2 (darwin/amd64) kubernetes/f627830
I0819 17:22:29.612086 31029 round_trippers.go:441] Response Status: 200 OK in 11 milliseconds
La diferencia con el nivel 6, es que además de los recursos que son llamados, también podemos ver las cabeceras HTTP con las que se llaman a dichos recursos.
El nivel 8 y el 9, además de las cabeceras, nos muestra el contenido del cuerpo de la petición (si existe) y respuesta (el nivel 9 muestra el contenido sin truncar), veamos otro ejemplo:
kubectl get pods -v=8
I0819 17:22:22.188395 31000 request.go:947] Response Body: {"kind":"Table","apiVersion":"meta.k8s.io/v1beta1","metadata":{"selfLink":"/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods","resourceVersion":"70162"},"columnDefinitions":[{"name":"Name","type":"string","format":"name","description":"Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration definition. Cannot be updated. More info: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/identifiers#names","priority":0},{"name":"Ready","type":"string","format":"","description":"The aggregate readiness state of this pod for accepting traffic.","priority":0},{"name":"Status","type":"string","format":"","description":"The aggregate status of the containers in this pod.","priority":0},{"name":"Restarts","type":"integer","format":"","description":"The number of times the containers in this pod have been restarted.","priority":0},{"name":"Age","type":"string [truncated 2611 chars]
Veamos un ejemplo de un comando un poco más complejo dónde se requiera el uso de varias llamadas:
kubectl describe pod nginx-7bb7cd8db5-8z6t8 -v=6
I0819 17:26:27.770772 31121 round_trippers.go:438] GET 200 OK in 12 milliseconds
I0819 17:26:27.777728 31121 round_trippers.go:438] GET 200 OK in 2 milliseconds
I0819 17:26:27.786906 31121 round_trippers.go:438] GET 200 OK in 2 milliseconds
Como se puede observar el comando describe
requiere más de una llamada a la API. Por último veamos que ocurre durante la creación de un deployment
con el comando run
kubectl run nginx2 --image nginx -v=8
I0819 17:29:23.727063 31398 round_trippers.go:416] GET
I0819 17:29:23.727097 31398 round_trippers.go:423] Request Headers:
I0819 17:29:23.749539 31398 request.go:947] Request Body: {"kind":"Deployment","apiVersion":"apps/v1","metadata":{"name":"nginx2","creationTimestamp":null,"labels":{"run":"nginx2"}},"spec":{"replicas":1,"selector":{"matchLabels":{"run":"nginx2"}},"template":{"metadata":{"creationTimestamp":null,"labels":{"run":"nginx2"}},"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"nginx2","image":"nginx","resources":{}}]}},"strategy":{}},"status":{}}
I0819 17:29:23.749618 31398 round_trippers.go:416] POST
I0819 17:29:23.749631 31398 round_trippers.go:423] Request Headers:
I0819 17:29:23.749638 31398 round_trippers.go:426] Content-Type: application/json
I0819 17:29:23.749645 31398 round_trippers.go:426] User-Agent: kubectl/v1.15.2 (darwin/amd64) kubernetes/f627830
En este caso vemos como no sólo se hacen peticiones GET, sino también POST, y gracias al nivel 8 podemos ver el contenido de dichas peticiones.
Así puedes ir probando comandos y jugando con los niveles de verbosidad. Si quieres aprender más sobre la API de Kuberntes, además de su documentación obviamente, usando la verbosidad puedes aprender un poco más de forma algo más interactiva.
Happy Hacking!
Material Black Hat USA 2019
- August 18, 2019
- tuxotron
- Every Security Team is a Software Team Now
- Detecting Deep Fakes with Mice
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Williams-Detecting-Deep-Fakes-With-Mice.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Williams-Detecting-Deep-Fakes-With-Mice-wp.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Gong-Bypassing-The-Maginot-Line-Remotely-Exploit-The-Hardware-Decoder-On-Smartphone.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Gong-Bypassing-The-Maginot-Line-Remotely-Exploit-The-Hardware-Decoder-On-Smartphone-wp.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Burke-ClickOnce-And-Youre-In-When-Appref-Ms-Abuse-Is-Operating-As-Intended.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Burke-ClickOnce-And-Youre-In-When-Appref-Ms-Abuse-Is-Operating-As-Intended-wp.pdf)
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- Biometric Authentication Under Threat: Liveness Detection Hacking
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- SSO Wars: The Token Menace
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Munoz-SSO-Wars-The-Token-Menace.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Munoz-SSO-Wars-The-Token-Menace-wp.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Valenta-Monsters-In-The-Middleboxes-Building-Tools-For-Detecting-HTTPS-Interception.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Feng-The-Most-Secure-Browser-Pwning-Chrome-From-2016-To-2019.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Feng-The-Most-Secure-Browser-Pwning-Chrome-From-2016-To-2019-wp.pdf)
- Attacking and Defending the Microsoft Cloud (Office 365 & Azure AD)
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Metcalf-Attacking-And-Defending-The-Microsoft-Cloud.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Sandin-PicoDMA-DMA-Attacks-At-Your-Fingertips.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Matula-APICs-Adventures-In-Wonderland.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Matula-APICs-Adventures-In-Wonderland-wp.pdf)
- [Download Tool] (https://www.ernw.de/download/om/blackhat/us-19-Matula-Block-APICs-Adventures-In-Wonderland-Exploits.zip)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Jablonski-Attacking-Electric-Motors-For-Fun-And-Profit.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Jablonski-Attacking-Electric-Motors-For-Fun-And-Profit-wp.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Ochoa-Sensor-And-Process-Fingerprinting-In-ICS.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Kettle-HTTP-Desync-Attacks-Smashing-Into-The-Cell-Next-Door.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Kettle-HTTP-Desync-Attacks-Smashing-Into-The-Cell-Next-Door-wp.pdf)
- [Download Tool] (https://github.com/portswigger/desynchronize)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Hasarfaty-Behind-The-Scenes-Of-Intel-Security-And-Manageability-Engine.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Shupeng-All-The-4G-Modules-Could-Be-Hacked.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Sedova-Know-How-Data-Can-Shape-Security-Engagement.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Smith-Cyber-Insurance-101-For-CISOs.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Shwartz-Selling-0-Days-To-Governments-And-Offensive-Security-Companies.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Shwartz-Selling-0-Days-To-Governments-And-Offensive-Security-Companies.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Tsai-Infiltrating-Corporate-Intranet-Like-NSA.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Mulliner-Come-Join-The-CAFSA-Continuous-Automated-Firmware-Security-Analysis.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Mulliner-Come-Join-The-CAFSA-Continuous-Automated-Firmware-Security-Analysis-wp.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Amini-Worm-Charming-Harvesting-Malware-Lures-For-Fun-And-Profit.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Nickels-MITRE-ATTACK-The-Play-At-Home-Edition.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Silvanovich-Look-No-Hands-The-Remote-Interactionless-Attack-Surface-Of-The-iPhone.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Aumasson-Lessons-From-Two-Years-Of-Crypto-Audits.pdf)
- Responding to a Cyber Attack with Missiles
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Hypponen-Responding-To-A-Cyber-Attack-With-Missiles.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Shortridge-Controlled-Chaos-The-Inevitable-Marriage-Of-DevOps-And-Security.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Santamarta-Arm-IDA-And-Cross-Check-Reversing-The-787-Core-Network.pdf)
- The Cyber Shell Game – War, Information Warfare, and the Darkening Web
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Baril-He-Said-She-Said-Poisoned-RDP-Offense-And-Defense.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Baril-He-Said-She-Said-Poisoned-RDP-Offense-And-Defense-wp.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Prevost-How-Insurers-View-The-World.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Robert-Messaging-Layer-Security-Towards-A-New-Era-Of-Secure-Group-Messaging.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Stone-Hacking-Your-Non-Compete.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Stone-Hacking-Your-Non-Compete-wp.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Joly-Hunting-For-Bugs-Catching-Dragons.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Landers-Flying-A-False-Flag-Advanced-C2-Trust-Conflicts-And-Domain-Takeover.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Metzman-Going-Beyond-Coverage-Guided-Fuzzing-With-Structured-Fuzzing.pdf)
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- Cybersecurity Risk Assessment for Safety-Critical Systems
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Vessels-Cybersecurity-Risk-Assessment-For-Safety-Critical-Systems.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Tyagi-Defense-Against-Rapidly-Morphing-DDOS.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Zaikin-Reverse-Engineering-WhatsApp-Encryption-For-Chat-Manipulation-And-More.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-Bernal-Detecting-Malicious-Files-With-YARA-Rules-As-They-Traverse-The-Network.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Wednesday/us-19-OFlynn-MINimum-Failure-Stealing-Bitcoins-With-EMFI.pdf)
- [Download Tool] (github.com/newaetech/phywhisperer-usb)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Teissier-Mobile-Interconnect-Threats-How-Next-Gen-Products-May-Be-Already-Outdated.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Farshchi-On-Trust-Stories-From-The-Front-Lines.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Brand-WebAuthn-101-Demystifying-WebAuthn.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Westelius-Attack-Surface-As-A-Service.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Pavur-GDPArrrrr-Using-Privacy-Laws-To-Steal-Identities.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Pavur-GDPArrrrr-Using-Privacy-Laws-To-Steal-Identities-wp.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Carcano-The-Future-Of-Securing-IED-Using-The-IEC62351-7-Standard-For-Monitoring.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Wilkin-Testing-Your-Organizations-Social-Media-Awareness.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Soman-Death-To-The-IOC-Whats-Next-In-Threat-Intelligence.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Price-Playing-Offense-And-Defense-With-Deepfakes.pdf)
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- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Doerr-The-Enemy-Within-Modern-Supply-Chain-Attacks.pdf)
- Information Security in the Public Interest
- Breaking Through Another Side: Bypassing Firmware Security Boundaries from Embedded Controller
- Project Zero: Five Years of 'Make 0Day Hard'
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Hawkes-Project-Zero-Five-Years-Of-Make-0day-Hard.pdf)
- Rough and Ready: Frameworks to Measure Persistent Engagement and Deterrence
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Healey-Rough-and-Ready-Frameworks-To-Measure-Persistent-Engagment-and-Deterrence.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Healey-Rough-and-Ready-Frameworks-to-Measure-Persistent-Engagement-and-Deterrence-wp.pdf)
- 100 Seconds of Solitude: Defeating Cisco Trust Anchor With FPGA Bitstream Shenanigans
- Denial of Service with a Fistful of Packets: Exploiting Algorithmic Complexity Vulnerabilities
- Women in Security: Building a Female InfoSec Community in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Nakajima-Women-In-Security-Building-A-Female-InfoSec-Community-In-Korea-Japan-And-Taiwan.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Nakajima-Women-In-Security-Building-A-Female-InfoSec-Community-In-Korea-Japan-And-Taiwan-wp.pdf)
- Rogue7: Rogue Engineering-Station Attacks on S7 Simatic PLCs
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Bitan-Rogue7-Rogue-Engineering-Station-Attacks-On-S7-Simatic-PLCs.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Bitan-Rogue7-Rogue-Engineering-Station-Attacks-On-S7-Simatic-PLCs-wp.pdf)
- Operational Templates for State-Level Attack and Collective Defense of Countries
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Conti-Operational-Templates-for-State-Level-Attack-and-Collective-Defense-of-Countries.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Conti-Operational-Templates-for-State-Level-Attack-and-Collective-Defense-of-Countries-wp.pdf)
- Process Injection Techniques - Gotta Catch Them All
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Kotler-Process-Injection-Techniques-Gotta-Catch-Them-All.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Kotler-Process-Injection-Techniques-Gotta-Catch-Them-All-wp.pdf)
- [Download Tool] (https://github.com/SafeBreach-Labs/pinjectra)
- Bounty Operations: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls to Avoid in the First 6-12 Months
- DevSecOps : What, Why and How
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Shrivastava-DevSecOps-What-Why-And-How.pdf)
- Breaking Encrypted Databases: Generic Attacks on Range Queries
- Finding Our Path: How We're Trying to Improve Active Directory Security
- API-Induced SSRF: How Apple Pay Scattered Vulnerabilities Across the Web
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Maddux-API-Induced-SSRF-How-Apple-Pay-Scattered-Vulnerabilities-Across-The-Web.pdf)
- Exploiting Qualcomm WLAN and Modem Over The Air
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Pi-Exploiting-Qualcomm-WLAN-And-Modem-Over-The-Air.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Pi-Exploiting-Qualcomm-WLAN-And-Modem-Over-The-Air-wp.pdf)
- Practical Approach to Automate the Discovery and Eradication of Open-Source Software Vulnerabilities at Scale
- Managing for Success: Maintaining a Healthy Bug Bounty Program Long Term
- Ghidra - Journey from Classified NSA Tool to Open Source
- Firmware Cartography: Charting the Course for Modern Server Compromise
- 0-days & Mitigations: Roadways to Exploit and Secure Connected BMW Cars
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Cai-0-Days-And-Mitigations-Roadways-To-Exploit-And-Secure-Connected-BMW-Cars.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Cai-0-Days-And-Mitigations-Roadways-To-Exploit-And-Secure-Connected-BMW-Cars-wp.pdf)
- Infighting Among Russian Security Services in the Cyber Sphere
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Zenz-Infighting-Among-Russian-Security-Services-in-the-Cyber-Sphere.pdf)
- Behind the scenes of iOS and Mac Security
- Zombie Ant Farming: Practical Tips for Playing Hide and Seek with Linux EDRs
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Snezhkov-Zombie-Ant-Farming-Practical-Tips-For-Playing-Hide-And-Seek-With-Linux-EDRs.pdf)
- Predictive Vulnerability Scoring System
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Roytman-Jacobs-Predictive-Vulnerability-Scoring-System.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Roytman-Predictive-Vulnerability-Scoring-System-wp.pdf)
- Towards Discovering Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities in Apple FaceTime
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Huang-Towards-Discovering-Remote-Code-Execution-Vulnerabilities-In-Apple-FaceTime.pdf)
- Backdooring Hardware Devices by Injecting Malicious Payloads on Microcontrollers
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Berta-Backdooring-Hardware-Devices-By-Injecting-Malicious-Payloads-On-Microcontrollers.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Berta-Backdooring-Hardware-Devices-By-Injecting-Malicious-Payloads-On-Microcontrollers-wp.pdf)
- Securing the System: A Deep Dive into Reversing Android Pre-Installed Apps
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Stone-Securing-The-System-A-Deep-Dive-Into-Reversing-Android-Preinstalled-Apps.pdf)
- Preventing Authentication Bypass: A Tale of Two Researchers
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Jaiswal-Preventing-Authentication-Bypass-A-Tale-Of-Two-Researchers.pdf)
- Automation Techniques in C++ Reverse Engineering
- Inside the Apple T2
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Davidov-Inside-The-Apple-T2.pdf)
- Making Big Things Better the Dead Cow Way
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Menn-Making-Big-Things-Better-The-Dead-Cow-Way-wp.pdf)
- Critical Zero Days Remotely Compromise the Most Popular Real-Time OS
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Seri-Critical-Zero-Days-Remotely-Compromise-The-Most-Popular-Real-Time-OS.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Seri-Critical-Zero-Days-Remotely-Compromise-The-Most-Popular-Real-Time-OS-wp.pdf)
- Fantastic Red-Team Attacks and How to Find Them
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Smith-Fantastic-Red-Team-Attacks-And-How-To-Find-Them.pdf)
- The Discovery of a Government Malware and an Unexpected Spy Scandal
- Attacking iPhone XS Max
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Wang-Attacking-IPhone-XS-Max.pdf)
- Securing Apps in the Open-By-Default Cloud
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Howes-Securing-Apps-In-The-Open-By-Default-Cloud.pdf)
- Adventures in the Underland: The CQForensic Toolkit as a Unique Weapon Against Hackers
- HostSplit: Exploitable Antipatterns in Unicode Normalization
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Birch-HostSplit-Exploitable-Antipatterns-In-Unicode-Normalization.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Birch-HostSplit-Exploitable-Antipatterns-In-Unicode-Normalization-wp.pdf)
- Hacking Ten Million Useful Idiots: Online Propaganda as a Socio-Technical Security Project
- Everybody be Cool, This is a Robbery!
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Campana-Everybody-Be-Cool-This-Is-A-Robbery.pdf)
- A Compendium of Container Escapes
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Edwards-Compendium-Of-Container-Escapes.pdf)
- The Future of ATO
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Martin-The-Future-Of-ATO.pdf)
- Exploring the New World : Remote Exploitation of SQLite and Curl
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Qian-Exploring-The-New-World-Remote-Exploitation-Of-SQLite-And-Curl.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Qian-Exploring-The-New-World-Remote-Exploitation-Of-SQLite-And-Curl-wp.pdf)
- How to Detect that Your Domains are Being Abused for Phishing by Using DNS
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Hoelzel-How-To-Detect-That-Your-Domains-Are-Being-Abused-For-Phishing-By-Using-DNS.pdf)
- Debug for Bug: Crack and Hack Apple Core by Itself - Fun and Profit to Debug and Fuzz Apple Kernel by lldb Script
- Shifting Knowledge Left: Keeping up with Modern Application Security
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Stanislav-Shifting-Knowledge-Left-Keeping-Up-With-Modern-Application-Security.pdf)
- Paging All Windows Geeks – Finding Evil in Windows 10 Compressed Memory
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Sardar-Paging-All-Windows-Geeks-Finding-Evil-In-Windows-10-Compressed-Memory.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Sardar-Paging-All-Windows-Geeks-Finding-Evil-In-Windows-10-Compressed-Memory-wp.pdf)
- Breaking Samsung’s ARM TrustZone
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Peterlin-Breaking-Samsungs-ARM-TrustZone.pdf)
- Command Injection in F5 iRules
- [Download Presentation Slides] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Jerkeby-Command-Injection-In-Irules-Loadbalancer-Scripts.pdf)
- [Download White Paper] (http://i.blackhat.com/USA-19/Thursday/us-19-Jerkeby-Command-Injection-In-Irules-Loadbalancer-Scripts-wp.pdf)
- Moving from Hacking IoT Gadgets to Breaking into One of Europe's Highest Hotel Suites
- Lessons and Lulz: The 5th Annual Black Hat USA NOC Report
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